Health Services Research (HSR) Methods

The module is designed to engage the user in thinking through ethical issues related to conducting health services research. Alternatively, the module may be used in a classroom environment to engage students in a participatory group discussion and includes “ready to use” materials that can be modified for different classroom applications and degree program levels. 

Module users (or students) should:

  1. Review the hypothetical situations
  2. Prepare of short written responses to discussion questions.
  3. Review Academy Health's Ethical Guidelines for Managing Conflicts of Interest in Health Services Research.
  4. Critique their written responses to determine if responses would change having reviewed the ethical guidelines.
  5. Revise written responses accordingly.
  6. If conducted in a classroom environment, instructors should then ask students to
  7. Discuss hypothetical situations and responses in facilitated class discussion.

Other suggested activities in a classroom environment include placing the hypothetical situations and questions on class Web discussion boards for student participation and comment.

PDF of the complete module, including an evaluation form, is available for teaching purposes.