Health Services Research (HSR) Methods
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Cross Sectional Study

Studies that conduct measurements on a group of subjects at one point in time. Cross-sectional studies look at both exposure and outcomes at one point in time and are designed to evaluate associations between risk factors and outcomes in a specific population.


Further Reading
Berger, M. et al. 2003. Health Care, Cost, Quality, and Outcomes: ISPOR Book of Terms, Lawrenceville, NJ: International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.

Gordis, L. 2000. Epidemiology, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science.

Gliner, J.A. and G.A. Morgan. 2000. Research Methods in Applied Settings, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Campbell, D. and J. Stanley. 1963. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.