Health Services Research (HSR) Methods
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Methods Minute

The Methods Minute is a bi-monthly newsletter which provides highlights, additions, and news on HSRMethods.org. Below is a list of the features, highlights, and PDF version from the current edition of the Methods Minute. Past editions of the Methods Minute are also available for download as PDFs.

February 2015 Methods Minute


Register for the 2015 Northwestern-Duke Research Design for Causal Inference Workshops

Participate in the fifth annual workshop on Research Design for Causal Inference, sponsored by Northwestern University, Duke University, and the Society for Empirical Legal Studies. 

Main workshop: Monday- Friday, July 13-17, 2015
Advanced workshop: Sunday-Wednesday, July 19-22, 2015

For more information and to register click here.

AHRQ Releases White Paper on EPC Methods

AHRQ's evidence-based practice center has released a methods research white paper titled, An Exploration of Methods and Contexts for the Production of Rapid Reviews. Access the article here.

New eGEMs Methods Articles
eGEMs, a publication of the EDM Forum has published two recent articles on methods using electronic health data for research and quality improvement: 
Funding Announcements, Recent Publications, Data, & Presentations

PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA): Improving Methods for Conducting Patient Centered Outcomes Research Spring 2015 Cycle



HDC Archived Webinar: Patient Generated Health Data: An Overview

AH Archived Webinar: The Social Network Using Twitter to Translate and Disseminate Evidence

AH Archived Webinar: Why Tweet? Building the Skills to Engage New Audiences and Promote Your Work

Upcoming Events...

July 14 - 16: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis MN

Past Issues of the HSR Methods Minute

   December 2014  December 2013 December 2012 December 2011 December 2010 December 2009
  October 2014  October 2013 October 2012 October 2011 October 2010 October 2009
  August 2014  August 2013 August 2012 August 2011 August 2010 April 2009
  June 2014  June 2013 June 2012 June 2011 June 2010 February 2009
  April 2014  April 2013 April 2012 April 2011 April 2010 December 2008
February 2015 February 2014  February 2013  February 2012 February 2011 February 2010 October 2008

Join the methods community to receive the Methods Minute and methods updates.

Last Updated February 2015